Strategic Highway Safety Plan
Motor vehicle crashes are one of the leading causes of death in Pennsylvania. Over the five-year period of 2016-2020, Pennsylvania averaged 1,141 highway fatalities and 4,446 serious injuries annually. The Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) serves as a blueprint to reduce fatalities and serious injuries on Pennsylvania roadways by identifying Priority Emphasis Areas (Lane Departure Crashes, Impaired Driving & Pedestrian Safety) and additional Safety Focus Areas that have the most influence on improving highway safety all public roads throughout the commonwealth. Using data-driven methods and implementing strategies pertaining to the emphasis and safety focus areas discussed throughout this document will have a high impact on driving down fatalities and serious injuries.
2022 SHSP (PDF) has been developed in collaboration with federal, state, and regional partners to maintain and build on the momentum achieved by previous editions of the SHSP. PennDOT continues to embrace the practices and tools that make our transportation network safer and help all roadway users become more responsible. A combined effort among all our safety stakeholders and partners is necessary to continue reducing fatalities and move toward zero deaths.
VRU Safety Assessment Report
While the number of vehicle miles traveled across the U.S. has fluctuated over the past two decades due to various social and economic factors, the number of pedestrians and cyclists involved in fatalities and serious injuries on U.S. roadways has steadily risen. Given the inherent, unprotected nature of these vulnerable road users (VRU) outside of motor vehicles, even an event deemed minor for a motor vehicle can lead to catastrophic results for those walking, cycling, or rolling along or across the roadway. As such, understanding the risk factors and underlying causes of crashes involving these VRUs plays a key role in creating a safer roadway environment for all users.
A VRU Safety Assessment is required under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) and added to the current 2022 SHSP as
Appendix A. The purpose of this comprehensive statewide examination is to evaluate safety performance along Pennsylvania roadways with respect to pedestrians and cyclists and to develop a plan for improving the safety for these users through both targeted and systemic improvements on the state's transportation network. Ultimately, this assessment is intended to improve VRU safety by identifying specific improvement strategies and prioritizing areas through a process that is guided and supported by quantitative and qualitative data, land use context, and
community input. Thus, it provides a structured approach for transportation authorities, planners, and engineers to identify potential hazards, assess risks, and develop strategies to enhance the safety and accessibility of roadways for all users.