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FHWA STIC Incentive Program

What is FHWA's STIC Incentive Program?

The Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA) State Transportation Innovation Council (STIC) Incentive Program provides funding to help STICs foster a culture of innovation and make innovations standard practice in their states. Pennsylvania continues its effective use of FHWA's STIC Incentive Program funding to assist with the implementation of innovations across the state.

How much funding is provided?

Each state can receive up to $125,000 per federal fiscal year. Project recipients are required to provide a 25 percent non-federal match of up to $31,250.

Why is innovation funding important?

Innovative tools and techniques are proven to help reduce congestion, accelerate construction, enhance sustainability and ultimately save lives. A driving force behind the STIC process is fostering a culture of innovation. The STIC Incentive Program is one tool that helps provide resources to promote this culture. A rapid deployment of these innovations is also a key factor to the success of the STIC. STIC Incentive Program funding can support and offset costs and push innovations over the finish line.

How does it work?

FHWA is the federal agency responsible for providing the funding. FHWA's Center for Accelerating Innovation (CAI) administers the program.

PennDOT is the State Transportation Agency (STA) for Pennsylvania. Funding is available to support or offset the costs of standardizing innovative practices in a STA or other public sector STIC stakeholder.

The Pennsylvania STIC utilizes STIC Incentive Program funding to help foster a culture of innovation in Pennsylvania. Project submissions are sent to FHWA for initial consideration. STIC members are given the opportunity to provide feedback on each submission before a final decision is made by PennDOT leadership in coordination with the FHWA Pennsylvania Division Office. Recipients are responsible for providing progress reports to FHWA twice a year and provide updates at STIC Business Meetings, as requested.

How far can this funding really go?

Since 2014, several projects have received STIC Incentive Program funding. These projects range from training programs, safety seminars, and facility business plans, to key funding to update innovation specifications. The STIC created a video to highlight just how far $100,000 can go to advance innovation in Pennsylvania.


What projects are eligible to receive funding?

FHWA lists specific eligibility requirements on their website. In general, the project must:

  • Foster a culture for innovation statewide or make an innovation standard practice
  • Align with Technology and Innovation Deployment Programs goals
  • Be eligible for federal-aid assistance and adhere to applicable federal requirements
  • Be able to start preferably within six months, but no later than one year, after notification of approval of STIC Incentive Program funding, and the funds must be expended within two years. 

STIC Incentive Program Funding Recipients

View the list of projects that received STIC Incentive Program funding in Pennsylvania below. Other projects suggested by FHWA can be found on the FHWA STIC Incentive Program website.


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Other Funding Resources

FHWA's STIC Incentive Program funding is awarded to a variety of projects in all 50 states each year to help foster a culture of innovation across the nation.

FHWA's Accelerating Market Readiness (AMR) Program provides funding to spur the advancement of emerging transformative innovations that have potential to enhance roadway safety, shorten the project delivery process, and improve the performance of the transportation infrastructure.

FHWA's Accelerated Innovation Deployment (AID) Demonstration Program provides funding as an incentive for eligible entities to accelerate the implementation and adoption of innovation in highway transportation.