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​Route 29 and Route 113 Intersection Improvements​​

Project Location


This project involves improvements at the intersection of Route 29 (Gravel Pike) and Route 113 (Bridge Road) in the village of Rahns. Gravel Pike serves as a major north-south connector route between Schwenksville Borough (to the north) and Collegeville (to the south). Bridge Road serves as a major east-west connector between Skippack (to the east) and Phoenixville (to the west). 

The project aims to reduce traffic delays and improve safety for motorists, pedestrians, and emergency services on Gravel Pike and Bridge Road in Perkiomen Township.

The following needs have been identified for the project:
  • Peak period traffic volumes exceed available intersection capacity, resulting in significant delays and long traffic queues (excess of 1,000 ft).
  • Large vehicles have difficulty making right turns at the intersection.
  • Accessible pedestrian accommodations are limited and incomplete at the intersection.​