Cranberry Street Safety Improvement Project
Project Overview
The purpose of this project is to improve safety and efficiency for pedestrians and vehicles at the intersection of the Bayfront Parkway (Route 4034) and Cranberry Street.
Proposed work includes the following:
- Installation of a new traffic signal.
- Dedicated turn light with a flashing yellow phase for the existing turn lane for Bayfront Parkway Project westbound traffic turning onto Cranberry Street.
- Omni directional detection systems that will trigger the light to change only when vehicles are stopped on Cranberry Street.
- Emergey preemption capabilities.
- Pedestrian signal heads with audible countdown feature
- Piano key style painted crosswalks.
- Sidewalk replacement work and asphalt paving on Cranberry Street.
- Sidewalk will be added on north side of Cranberry Street to fill in a missing link.
- Pavement markings on the Bayfront Parkway and Cranberry Street.
Work is expected to occur during the 2024 and 2025 construction seasons.
The contractor is M&B Services, LLC of Clarion. The contract cost is $571,142, which is being paid entirely with federal funds.
Traffic Analysis
This project was spurred by a request from the City of Erie, which asked PennDOT to analyze whether the intersection warranted a traffic signal. These types of formal requests come with an obligation by the municipality to implement any warranted changes within two years.
The intersection traffic signal warrant analysis of the intersection of the Bayfront Parkway and Cranberry Street was completed in May 2022. It looked at the following:
- Avervage Dailey Traffic (ADT) on the Bayfront Parkway - 16,000
- ADT on Cranberry Street - 5,000
- Turning lanes
- Crash data
- Posted speed limit - 35 miles per hour
Traffic Impacts
During the project, the Bayfront Multimodal Trail will be closed to all bikes and pedestrians for a 24-hour period for the installation of a new ADA curb ramp at the northeast corner of the intersection.
Some work, such as roadway painting and mast head installation, may require temporary lane closures.