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Turnback FAQs


What is the Turnback Program?

The Turnback Program transfers the ownership of functionally-local state-owned roads, which serve a local traffic purpose, from state government to local government.


How does the Program work?

Once a municipality shows the intent and interest to participate, PennDOT rehabilitates the road or provides funding to rehabilitate eligible roadways and bridges to a satisfactory condition. The municipality is then responsible for the road and receives $4,000 per mile in annual maintenance payments.


How do I know if a road in my municipality is a good candidate for transfer?

Roads that are candidates for transfer are those that have low average daily traffic, benefit the municipality both socially and economically, or those that have other characteristics that indicate that they belong on the local system.


What is the purpose of a resolution?

The resolution, which is signed by the municipality, officially authorizes the signing of the turnback agreement and describes the roadway to be transferred as well as any other conditions related to the transfer.


When will I begin to receive my annual maintenance payments?

Municipalities receive an annual payment in perpetuity to provide for the maintenance of a transferred road. Annual Maintenance payments are released on March 1 beginning two years after the year of transfer. For example, if a Highway Transfer Agreement is completed between January 1, 2015 and December 31, 2015, the first annual maintenance payment will be released on March 1, 2017.

Why does it take two years to get the annual maintenance funding?

The legislation allowing the transfer specifies a time frame of two years. This time is given for the municipality to complete the necessary rehabilitation work to the transferred roadway.


What is the process for releasing payments for rehabilitation?

Following the full execution of the signed agreement, the municipality will begin rehabilitation work. Upon submittal of an invoice, the municipality will be reimbursed for the costs of work performed.


How can I find out more information about the Turnback Program?

Contact your District Turnback Coordinator or District Municipal Services Supervisor.