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Airport Licensing Waivers

A waiver can be issued for conditions not in compliance with criteria listed in Chapter 471 Pennsylvania Regulations Pertaining to Aviation, so long as control measures are put in place or said conditions are deemed to not cause undue hazard to persons or property.

Waivers may be temporary or permanent depending on the situation and circumstances.

Waiver of criteria or requirements will be in accordance with the following procedures:

    1. Requests for waivers must be in writing.
    2. A sponsor shall request a waiver using the AV-21 Form (PDF).
    3. A separate request must be submitted for each item for which a waiver is requested.
    4. Bureau staff will review each request and provide a recommendation within 30 calendar days of receipt.
    5. If the department recommends a waiver be denied, the waiver will be sent to the Waiver Advisory Board (Ch. 471.3(d) - Airport Licensing) which will provide a recommendation for disposition to the department within 75 calendar days.
    6. Any denial of a waiver is subject to the appeal process described in Chapter 471.9 - Appeal.

Waiver Advisory Board

  • The Waiver Advisory Board shall consist of five members appointed by the Secretary of Transportation.
  • Each Advisory Board member shall be either a Certified Pilot, an accredited Airport Executive, a licensed professional engineer with experience in airport planning and design, or otherwise be an individual with a substantial aviation background.

Neither the department nor the Waiver Advisory Board has the authority to grant any waiver of local zoning or other municipal requirements.

Requested Facility Waivers

DateAirport Description Link (PDF)
​4/15/2020​Broadt Airport​Request for one way operationAV-21
​11/11/2019​Nolnacs Airport​Request to reduce runway length to 1,150 feet.​AV-21
​11/11/2019​Nolnacs Airport​Request for one way in and one way out operation, landings on Runway 28 and takeoffs on Runway 10AV-21
​10/25/2019​Old Plains Airport​Request for a single in/out procedure, restricting departures to Runway 28 only and landings to Runway 10 onlyAV-21
​7/9/2019​Sunburst Field​Request for runway width of 70 feet wide​AV-21
​7/9/2019​Sunburst Field​Request for single in / single out approach and departureAV-21
​5/20/2019​Malinchak PVT​Request for single in/out conditionAV-21
​3/21/2019Posh Heliport​​Request for single in/out corridorAV-21
​3/18/2019​UPMC Somerset​To retain the existing helipad landing lighting as amber in colorAV-21
6/20/2018​Foley AirportRequest to waive the installation of FATO edge markings​AV-21
​7/07/2017​Rostraver Airport​Trees located within the transitional surfaceAV-21
​6/05/2017​Flying Dollar AirportFor developing home property within transitional surfaceAV-21
​6/03/2016​Allegheny General HospitalRequest to use amber instead of green perimeter lightsAV-21
11/13/2015​Kolb Airport​Request to waive runway width requirementsAV-21
10/19/2015​Ebensburg Airport​Trees in Runway 07 transitional approachAV-21
10/19/2015​Ebensburg Airport​Trees in Runway 25 transitional approach ​AV-21
10/19/2015​Ebensburg Airport​Light poles penetrating the approach slope of Runway 25 ​AV-21
10/08/2015​Finleyville Airport​Request to waive the required displaced thresholdAV-21
8/26/2015​Lancaster General Hospital Heliport​Request for temporary landing pad with single In/Out approachAV-21
8/26/2015Sugan Pond Heliport​Request to waive requirement for two (2) approach and departure paths.AV-21
8/24/2015​Pax-Terra Caelum Airport​Request to waive requirement for 100 foot wide runwayAV-21
7/09/2015​Inter-County Airport​Runway Edge Markers 300' ApartAV-21
7/01/2015Butler Farm Show AirportLight pole that penetrate the 7:1 transitional surface AV-21
2/10/2015Penn Presbyterian Medical CenterAllow the use of existing amber lighting on the south helipad AV-21
12/10/2014Phoenixville Hospital HeliportMaintain current amber lights for defining perimeter of TLOF instead of converting to FAA recommended green lighting AV-21
12/04/2014Altemose Ultralight AirportClose Runway 16 due to obstructions AV-21
10/16/2014Hideaway Ultralight AirportRequest #2014-0901 for exception to required runway width AV-21
7/25/2014Bedford County AirportTree obstructions penetrating the approach surfaces AV-21

Baublitz Airport

Six structures consisting of 4 hangers and 2 trailers located on the northeast end of the airport that are located inside the transitional airspace AV-21
10/02/2013Baublitz AirportAn above ground, 4,000 gallon fuel farm located on the northeast end of Runway 28 that is located inside the transitional airspace AV-21
10/02/2013Baublitz AirportHanger building located on the northwest end of the airport at the end of Runway 10 that is located inside the transitional airspace AV-21
10/02/2013Baublitz AirportThree power poles inside the transitional airspace AV-21
9/29/2013Market Garden Airport75' wide runway AV-21
6/26/2013Grove City Medical Center HeliportHospital building 42.5 south of heliport extends into part of the 12' safety area AV-21
8/24/2012Lazy B Ranch AirportUtility pole southwest of Runway 5 AV-21
8/24/2012Lazy B Ranch AirportTree located in transitional airspace of runway AV-21
7/25/2012McMillin Landing StripRunway below standard width AV-21